Thursday, 19 December 2024

12 zodiac signs after Jupiter moves on 30 Apr. Dr. Chang reveals that life is good for both money and work.

25 Apr 2024

Jupiter moves only once in a year. On April 30, 2024, Dr. Chang Thotsaporn reveals the horoscopes of the 12 zodiac signs that are outstanding and what they are affected by. Jupiter moves at 12.45 hrs. (45 minutes past noon), the host of this transit. This is Taurus, and Taurus will have the best luck in the past 12 years. 2 The zodiac sign after Jupiter moves in will receive good results: Taurus 15 May – 14 June. Jupiter moves in and will have the best luck in the past 12 years and will return to Taurus in the next 12 years. So who? that want to start Or do something new? It’s good news for you. Do it quickly. During this time, don’t forget that you are a zodiac sign that encountered Uranus during the past year. Life has many changes happening. Encountered bad things Or many disappointments in life, but after April 30, you will be the number one rising star sign, Scorpio, Nov. 17 – Dec. 15, who will receive good results in matters of finance, love, and luck. Both money and love will come at the same time. Dr. Chang further said that Jupiter is the planet of gratitude if both zodiac signs are people who are already in morality in the Dhamma. It’s called no worries. Because life will improve accordingly. The horoscope of the 10 zodiac signs after Jupiter moves to Aries 14 April – 14 May. Your financial horoscope will improve and become stable. In matters of more finances, Gemini. Jupiter will result in changes. In the matter of work There are new working characteristics. There are things that have never been done. or has never happened before And be careful of problems with the health of family members. Or some elderly relatives or Gemini, there will be a change in matters of love and partner. It can happen with Cancer 17 July – 16 August. This star will give good results in matters of fortune and finances. Giving good results to things that were not thought of or dreamed of before. After 30 Apr. there will be good news. Leo 17 Aug. – 16 Sep. is a zodiac sign that will have more responsibility in matters. Work requires taking on many responsibilities, many roles, many positions, but it will bring good results in terms of more work. Virgo 17 Sept. – 17 Oct. There is a chance of getting a promotion. promotion famous and progressive Or have better luck in matters of education. Libra 18 Oct. – 16 Nov. This circle of Jupiter may not directly affect you. You must think carefully about what is certain or certain. Think carefully over and over again. Because some people enter into change Some people have changed jobs. Some people have had changes in their love for their partners. You must be careful with this one. But you will have good luck with real estate or land, houses, inheritances. There is more good news coming in. Sagittarius 16 Dec. – 14 Jan. is the zodiac sign of beginnings. Once Jupiter has moved You will have a new path to life. New paths to work New job opportunities Start pioneering, it will be difficult and you will do it. And the result will be a sweet success for you. Capricorn 15 Jan. – 12 Feb. has a good effect on expansion. Investing in new businesses If you are working full time and want to have a new career Or do anything more? Capricorn will be able to go all out. Aquarius 13 Feb. – 14 Mar. Jupiter’s angle will be beneficial. Saturn’s influence will be lighter. Because Jupiter came to save lives, solve problems, and light arose. Some people get new homes. Some people get a chance to win a new car. Pisces 15 Mar. – 13 Apr. The timing of the stars has a positive effect. Negotiations, brokers, agents. Sales work can close sales. Who wants to find a new job? Have a chance to get a job