Thursday, 19 December 2024

Today’s weather It is still very hot throughout Thailand, with temperatures rising to 44 degrees. 13 provinces have rain.

Thailand has hot to very hot weather with haze during the day, with temperatures in the north, northeast, and center at 44 degrees, while 13 provinces in the south and east are at risk of experiencing thunderstorms on April 30, 2024. The Meteorological Department forecasts the weather for the next 24 hours. Low pressure due to heat covers upper Thailand. This makes Thailand generally hot to very hot with haze during the day. People are asked to take care of their health due to the hot to very hot weather by avoiding working or Carrying out activities in the open air for a long period of time also includes southerly and southwestern winds covering the lower northeastern and eastern regions, causing thunderstorms and some strong winds in those areas. People are asked to be careful of the dangers of thunderstorms and strong winds. For the northwestern winds blowing over the Andaman Sea and the southerly winds blowing over the southern region and the Gulf of Thailand, causing the southern region to have thunderstorms and dust in some places during this period: the northern region The Northeast and Upper Central regions have moderate to high levels of dust/smog accumulation due to weak winds and poor ventilation in those areas. Weather forecasts For Thailand, 6:00 a.m. today until 6:00 a.m. tomorrow in the northern region. The weather is generally extremely hot, with haze during the day. There will be thunderstorms and strong winds in some places, mostly in the western part. Lowest temperature 24-30 degrees Celsius. Maximum temperature 40-44 degrees Celsius. Southwesterly winds 5-15 km/hr. Northeastern region. The weather is generally extremely hot, with haze during the day. There will be thunderstorms and strong winds in some places, mostly in the lower part of the region. Lowest temperature 24-29 degrees Celsius. Maximum temperature 42-44 degrees Celsius. Southwesterly winds 10-20 km/hr in the central region. The weather is generally hot to very hot, with haze during the day. There will be thunderstorms and strong winds in some places. Lowest temperature 26-29 degrees Celsius. Maximum temperature 39-44 degrees Celsius. Southwesterly winds, speed 10-20 km./hr., Eastern Region. The weather is generally hot with haze during the day and very hot weather in some places. There will be thunderstorms in 10 percent of the area with strong wind gusts in some places. Mostly in the provinces of Chonburi, Rayong, Chanthaburi and Trat. Lowest temperature 28-30 degrees Celsius. Maximum temperature 36-43 degrees Celsius. Southerly winds 10-30 km/hr. The sea has waves less than 1 meter. In thunderstorm areas, waves higher than 1 meter. Southern region (east coast) is generally hot and very hot in some places, with thunderstorms in 10 percent of the area. Mostly in the provinces of Surat Thani, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Songkhla, Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat. Lowest temperature 24-29 degrees Celsius. Maximum temperature 35-40 degrees Celsius. Southerly winds 10-30 km/hr. The sea has waves lower than 1 meter. In areas with thunderstorms, waves higher than 1 meter. Southern region (west coast) is generally hot with thunderstorms in 20 percent of the area. Mostly in Krabi, Trang, and Satun provinces. Lowest temperature 26-28 degrees Celsius. Maximum temperature 37-39 degrees Celsius. Northwest winds 10-30 km/hr. The sea has waves of less than 1 meter. In areas with thunderstorms, waves higher than 1 meter in Bangkok and surrounding areas. The weather is generally hot with haze during the day and very hot weather in some places. Lowest temperature 29-30 degrees Celsius. Maximum temperature 37-41 degrees Celsius. Southerly winds 10-25 km/hr.