Thursday, 19 December 2024

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment transforms “Thung Kula Rong Hai” into “Smiles”, promoting innovation to increase income.

Thung Kula…don’t cry! Efforts to turn over the land “Thung Kula Rong Hai” is a vast plain field covering 13 districts in 5 provinces including Maha Sarakham, Surin, Roi Et, Sisaket and Yasothon, which is known for its drought and wilderness. Difficulty in making a living or doing agriculture has continued for centuries. But to this day, Thung Kula residents are not only not crying, but are now “smiling” because recently the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation (Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation) through the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) has mobilized units. The work is carried out in collaboration with partner agencies in both the public and private sectors. Go to the area to promote technology to create careers after farming. Including growing medicinal plants and mung beans under market-led production mechanisms. Linking production with the private sector giving farmers additional income Increase quality of life No need to leave your hometown to go to the city to find work. Wiraporn Mongkolchaisit Doctor Oleander Dabbhathat Research team from the Institute of Agricultural Technology and Innovation Management (AIT), National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (Biotech), National Nanotechnology Center (Nanotech), led by Ms. Wiraporn Mongkol. Chaiyasit Director of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Dr. Yitho Thapphatat, Dr. Praderm Vanitchananan from Biotech, and Dr. Weerakanya Maneeprakorn from Nanotech have gone to carry out projects to improve the quality of life with science, technology and innovation in the fields. Kula cries in preparation. Project to grow good quality medicinal plants for farmers in the Thung Kula Ronghai area. Dr. Praderm Wanitchananan Dr. Veerakanya Maneeprakon “The research team has transferred knowledge and technology to the Thung Kula community. Using a market mechanism to lead production by working to integrate quadrilateral cooperation from the government, private sector, academia, and civil society to increase the potential of farmers to produce medicinal plants to meet quality and standards. The production of medicinal plants is sufficient and meets the standards that are required. It is important to have good field management, including the production of disease-free varieties. to send to farmers Providing knowledge to farmers in preparing plant stems or tubers, soil management to prevent accumulated diseases. Including proper production and care for growing that is safe for farmers and consumers. Promote the production of quality herbs to be certified with GAP (Good Agriculture Practices) or organic farming standards. which the market has demand for and in the herbal plot Heavy metal content Agricultural toxins and microbial loads Must not exceed the standard value and be able to produce important substances according to the standard criteria” Ms. Wiraporn Mongkhonchaiyasit The Director of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, one of the research team, described the process of implementation. Thailand has a national master plan for the development of Thai medicinal plants in preparation for pushing Thailand to be a world medicinal center. NSTDA therefore responds to the policy to create a project to transfer plant propagation technology and raise the level of production of good quality herbs for farmers in the Thung Kula Rong Hai area, piloting it in 3 provinces: Sisaket, Roi Et and Maha Sarakham, starting with promoting the cultivation of ginger – plai – fa. thieves’ thieves Because it is a type of plant that NSTDA conducts research and develops varieties that have high potential and are in demand in the market. Especially Osotspa Company, one of the private companies with Need herbal raw materials such as ginger, phlai, andrographis paniculata, etc. NSTDA uses market mechanisms to lead production. This makes the private sector ready to purchase produce for the production of beverage products. In 2023, work was carried out in 3 parts: 1. Production of disease-free ginger by growing tissue in a bioreactor system, 60,000 plants, currently in process. Nursery at the Sisaket Horticultural Research Center, 15,000 plants, and Maha Sarakham Plant Propagation Center, 45,000 plants, aiming to deliver them to farmers for planting in 2025 2. Transfer of technology for producing good quality herbs to meet standards (GAP) 3 .Creating a learning point for producing good quality herbs linked with local agencies. Currently, there are 337 farmers who have received knowledge and technology for producing good quality herbs, and there are 28 lead farmers who grow ginger, with a total area of ​​10 rai. The research team uses science. Technology and innovation To raise the income and quality of life of farmers. As a result of the operation, farmers have benefited from research and innovation. Mrs. Supranee Yatalay, a member of the large herb growing group, Prasat Subdistrict, Huai Thap Than District, Sisaket Province, said that she tried growing Ratchaburi ginger in two areas, yielding a total of 300 baht. kilograms. When the produce was harvested, it was found that the ginger had very large bulbs. The resulting products will be purchased by Osotspa Company as raw materials for making beverage products. In addition, there is also the green bean group, another group of back-of-the-field crops that Thung Kula farmers are interested in. Because it is a plant that uses little water, Mr. Paitoon Fangkham, president of the community enterprise of the Community Rice Seed Promotion and Production Center, Phak Mai Subdistrict, Sisaket Province, said that NSTDA came to promote the cultivation of KUML green beans that produce good quality products, large, mature seeds. together Makes it easy to harvest, reduces costs, and yields per rai more than twice as much as the original variety of mung beans. The average yield is 200 kilograms per rai, selling for approximately 5,000 baht. The cost of growing 1 rai of mung beans is approximately 1,800 baht, generating additional income of 3,000 baht per rai. Research together In order for farmers to be able to produce quality herbs This project is an example that has been in place for 1 year and has been able to produce herbs into the production process of Osotspa Public Company Limited and can continue to expand. In the long run, it will make farmers’ incomes stable and sustainable.” Prof. Dr. Chukit Limpichamnong, Director of NSTDA, recalled concrete achievements. “The Science News Team” saw that Thung Kula cried through the pain. Suffering for centuries Therefore, all the efforts of various agencies that are trying to revive the land of Thung Kula to be fertile are all good things. Thung Kula will not have to cry. The people were happily working on the land of their homeland. There is income that will lift you out of poverty and make Thung Kula truly smile. The science news team reads All “Thairath newspaper columns” here