Friday, 20 September 2024

Rayong residents are frightened as rain washes away toxins from a chemical factory fire. flows into water sources

221 tons of cadmium waste has been transported to the originating factory in Tak Province. Villagers still fear danger because the waiting building is not safe. Waiting for the administrative court’s order Order to stop moving or not? As for Rayong Province, the Director-General of the Department of Industrial Works came to the Rayong Provincial Court to request an order for the Department of Industrial Works to deal with the pile of chemical waste in the Win Process factory where the fire occurred. As for the villagers around the factory, they are frightened of the dangers of rain and chemical washing water flowing into the community. Industry Minister worried about toxic waste contaminating water during rainy season Progress in the case of Mr. Aditat Wasinon, Director-General of the Department of Primary Industries and Mines or the Department of Primary Industries and Mines, along with Mr. Phutthikorn Wichaidit, Samut Sakhon Province Industry and others. Came to inspect the transportation of cadmium waste at the smelter in Soi Kong Phan Phon, Bang Chuet Subdistrict, Mueang Samut Sakhon District. The latter had to stop because of a problem. Tak Province, in the early morning of May 7, a convoy of cadmium waste transport vehicles that were changed to using trailers, a total of 8 vehicles, carrying containers carrying the second round of cadmium waste, 147 bags, with a total weight of approximately 221.54 tons, arrived. To Bound and Beyond Public Company Limited, Nong Bua Tai Subdistrict, Mueang Tak District, cadmium waste was removed from the vehicle by company employees wearing PPE suits to protect against toxic substances. As there was a rehearsal meeting to understand every step of the movement. The movement was carried out according to the laid down procedures. There is a completely covered canvas in the waiting station. Use a crane to stack them 4 levels in each row and cover them with canvas to prevent rainwater from washing away. Mr. Surot Promthap, a villager from Village No. 3, Ban Khlong Huai Sai, Nong Bua Tai Subdistrict, Mueang Tak District, whose house is far from the area. The waiting building and storage pond approximately 500 meters away said that whether the government confirms that the waiting building is safe while waiting for repairs or construction of a cadmium storage pond But we have no confidence in their short-term or long-term health safety. Therefore went to submit a petition to the Administrative Court. (Phitsanulok) Disagrees with the transport of cadmium waste to the waiting building or waiting room that is incomplete. Because there are many points that villagers are worried about. But what if the decision comes out? It is considered to be the end point that the villagers must continue to accept. As for the effects of the fire at a chemical factory in Rayong Province late on the same day, Mr. Chulphong Thaweesri, Director-General of the Department of Industrial Works Traveled to make a statement to the Rayong Provincial Court. Ask the court to order the Department of Industrial Works Take action against the chemical waste pile in the Win Process factory in Rayong Province, using approximately 6 million baht that Win Process Company has brought to the court to take urgent action first. Previously, Win Process had hired SK Interchemical Company to carry out the work, but it was not completed and a fire broke out first, with Mr. Opas Bunchan, the owner of the factory. Traveled to investigate At Rayong Provincial Court In the afternoon, Mr. Chulphong said The factory owner agrees to use 6 million baht to dispose of chemical waste in the factory. The waste will be divided into 2 parts. The first part is items that need to be disposed of urgently and will be evaluated. There is waste that needs to be disposed of urgently. How much will it take to rush to write a work plan and specifications for the scope of work? The Department of Industrial Works must take the work plan to court. The court will consider allowing the money that has been deposited in court to be transferred to the Department of Industrial Works. Use the money to process the first part of waste and take it for treatment and disposal. The rest is the Department of Industrial Works. Will be carried out according to authority Hazardous Substances Act next and request money from other parts to dispose of properly Then proceed to sue to recover from the factory owner at the same time. Inside the Win Process factory, a frightening situation began to arise. Due to heavy rain, the pile of aluminum DOS chemicals that were piled up in the area of ​​the collapsed roof was not covered. When exposed to rainwater, it produces white smoke with a strong odor. Like behind the factory In the area of ​​warehouse number 5, the entire building was destroyed by fire. But there were still remains of several 200 liter drums, causing white smoke to rise up. It is expected that there may be chemicals left that were not completely burnt out by the fire. Therefore, there is a reaction with the rain water. Mr. Tiab Samanmit, 68 years old, one of the villagers who has land next to the factory and has been affected for more than 10 years, until the fire happened, seems to have aggravated the suffering and caused additional impacts. Another said that when it rains, it causes increased concern because the water washes away chemicals. It must flow outside the factory, even though the Provincial Administrative Organization has hastened to dig a pond to reinforce the embankment. But the work is still not finished. It had rained first and seemed likely to continue raining for several days, so it was feared that the water from the factory would flow out into agricultural areas and surrounding water sources, while Mr. Prasan Phrueksachart, Deputy Mayor of the Rayong Provincial Administrative Organization Meeting of relevant people to plan to dig a third chemical trap pond, which will use the area behind the factory which is the rubber plantation of Mr. Tiab Samanmit. It is estimated that an area of ​​approximately 10 rai will be required to capture water from the factory. If it rains again We negotiated with Mr. Tiab to request the use of the land to solve the crisis. The damage will be compensated. The well that will be dug on Mr. Tiap’s land will be a well dug to accommodate overflowing water from every well in the factory so that it doesn’t flow out. Department of Industrial Works officials have come to inspect the system. Factory drainage in the morning It was found that there were concentrated oil stains in the drainage pipes around the factory. The remaining chemicals have not yet been washed away by rainwater and flowed out of the building. In the afternoon, officials were also arranged to inspect the amount of chemical substances in the factory at Government House. Ms. Pimpattra Wichaikul, Minister of Industry Mentioning the transportation of cadmium waste: I’m worried about the rain. At present, efforts are being made to transport cadmium waste outside the building into the building for storage. To relieve people’s concerns, for example, all transport vehicles were changed to using containers. When asked about the frequent cases of industrial factory fires. Ms. Pimpattra replied that Part of it comes from the air. Recently, the National Environment Committee, chaired by Police General Patcharawat Wongsuwan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, has ordered each province and all relevant sectors to Survey the factory areas at risk within 20 days, which the Industrial Commission, House of Representatives, analyzed as arson to circumvent the new law that has been enforced. Ms. Pimpattra replied that Can think from many angles First, the law requires that chemical sludge must be cleared from the factory. If you think in a bad way Whether it’s intentional or not Incineration does not require disposal costs. Entrepreneurs must accept that this type of action It has affected many surrounding people. This cannot be a matter of arson. Must raise the level of violence This type of operation means stability. So he asked for help from the security department. Whether the police or the DSI will take care of this matter when asked whether or not these factories can be prosecuted or not. Ms. Pimpattra replied that Department of Industrial Works Proposing to amend the law to increase punishment Ready to emphasize that this matter is a security threat. that villagers are affected Don’t just look at the fire. but also looking at the weather conditions that the villagers have to face The part that begins the rainy season Currently there is the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. Come monitor the issue of chemicals entering water sources. Understand that people in the area face the most problems. It is difficult to confirm whether the water will be contaminated with chemicals from the factory into the water source or not, as in Rayong and Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya provinces. He has asked the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation or Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation to build a water barrier. But you have to see whether you can do it or not. I admit I was worried about reading it. All “Thairath newspaper columns” here