The more he accelerates, the more it becomes clear how much “smartness” he has to become Prime Minister. The country’s leaders in the future because as it turns out, there are many things that show that they have not yet reached that level in any case. “Soft Power” has also failed, most recently in the matter of “Bank of Thailand” where quite a few people said with the same voice that they still do not have enough knowledge to come out and criticize like that. Let’s just say that they lost more points than they gained. Only the same people praised Popan for doing a good job. Just like this, it has caused many people to lose, until they have not reached the shoreline… like Prime Minister Settha Thaweesin has not dared to this extent. They could only avoid it, not daring to directly address each other because they knew that it was only a loss or a loss, launching a full-strength attack on the Bank of Thailand this time. Some said that they wanted to amend the law to reduce its power, but A former governor of the National Bank commented that the current role and power of the National Bank, after everything has been revised and improved, is most appropriate to the actual situation. There is no need to modify it at all. Simply put. that it should not be touched, the only way to get rid of the thorns is to “remove” one child, but once you have done it you will have to take responsibility and answer to society. Don’t think that you have the power to do whatever you want with all these problems that have arisen. It is not a problem of the Bank of Thailand in the slightest, but a problem of “Pheu Thai” who aims to win the election. When announcing it to the people, they must find a way to make it successful without accepting and listening to differences. Suthiwat Narueputti” let your mindfulness remind you that “Government – Governor of the Bank of Thailand When you come, you have to leave according to your agenda. But the National Bank is an institution that will continue to exist forever.” This means that it must adhere to “principles” for its existence. If not adhered to Swinging back and forth according to the power of politicians, there will be a lack of acceptance and respect. This is an important point… Coming to the “heroine” of the story, “Pae Thongtarn Shinawatra”, the leader of “Pheu Thai”, despite having political opportunities. that is ready for everything Better than others, but until today, he has not proven himself to society to accept that he is even worthy of being the country’s leader. Relying on “merit certificates” from his father, he was able to be promoted to a higher level of prominence. Comparing with “Pitha Limjaroenrat” from “Kaoklai”, it is enough to clearly see the difference in every dimension. This is measured by the masses who have supported and spoken about it. If we don’t hurry and adjust the tune today, we will probably You can see the defeat in advance! “Lightning Rod” Click to read the column. “Be bold” more