Sunday, 19 January 2025

The battle between China and Thai durian, low yields, hot and dry conditions, being deceived again. Keep an eye on “Musan King” hitting the Chinese premium market.

13 May 2024

The Chinese battle over Thai durian After this year, durian yields in the Eastern region were lower than last year. coupled with the extremely hot weather Makes it ripen faster than usual As for new Chinese capitalists Came in to invest 30 percent more, having to compete for Grade A produce, but some were deceived by Thai people selling young durian. Until it goes bankrupt Thai Durian Association Look, if you leave it Affecting the image while Malaysia Going to market the creation of “Musan King”, expecting to begin shipping fresh durian at the end of the year. Overthrow Monthong Panusak Khanawich, chairman of the advisory board of the Thai Durian Association, said that Chinese durian imports to Thailand in 2024 increased by more than 30 percent, but eastern durian production exported to China There is less than estimated. Compared to last year Recently, approximately 300,000 tons of durian have been exported to China, compared to exports during the same period last year. There is an export volume of less than 100,000 tons, with the durian yield being lower than last year’s, causing Long China to compete for durian production. Until the export price of durian is more expensive than last year, for example, durian grades A, B, C have an average orchard price of 145-155 baht per kilogram. This is considered a higher price, another important factor that causes production to decrease. Due to the extremely hot weather Makes durian ripen faster than normal. From the beginning, if there was continuous rain Durian has a lifespan of 120 days and can be cut. But this year the durian is 100 days old and can be cut. Because when cutting durian, you have to look at the amount of starch, about 32 percent. But when this year the durian was still less than 100 days old, it had a starch content of 32-33 percent, causing farmers to cut it quickly. If left until 120 days, the durians will fall from the trees, causing the price to fall, making export impossible, even though this year government agencies have come to inspect strictly. To prevent young durian from being sold But due to the hot weather, young durians have escaped into the market. Therefore, in some strict gardens, the plant will be peeled to see the flesh inside. and check the percentage of flour as well At the same time, there are some orchards where durians are cut first. To escape the drought, the extremely hot weather affects the quality of the durian pulp. especially export Some Chinese people coming into new business Must hire Thai people to cut durian Was deceived by cutting young durians that were not of good quality. Because young durians weigh approximately 10-15 percent more than mature durians, they sell for a higher price. Many Chinese vendors were deceived by Thai people. Many of them were at a loss. Or turn to hire a new Thai durian cutter “It must be acknowledged that China has caused Thai durian to have a high price for export. Because most Chinese people trade with fellow Chinese people. Less than 5 percent of Thai people are able to enter the Chinese market. But most of them have to pass through China” due to the high competition from China to set up in Thailand. causing new Chinese people to come Must invest in purchasing 100-150 containers of durian. to send to China to make a profit Therefore, the amount of Thai durian yield decreased. Make this year you have to keep an eye on that. How much will the Chinese people who come to invest be affected? Only space rental fee Many millions of baht were lost. Not including the cost of subordinates and transportation. If you can’t find durian to send to China to sell, it will be even more of a loss. Makes this year there will be fierce competition among Long Chinese. With the entry of Long Chinese It plays an important role in making the price of durian more expensive. But when Thai people trick and sell durian, they are not of good quality. In the case where new Chinese capitalists come in and do not yet have knowledge Affecting the quality of durian At the same time, Chinese investors do not dare to invest in Thailand. If we allow this mechanism to exist a lot It will cause Chinese capitalists who come to operate in Thailand to move their base to other countries, such as Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, or Malaysia, which are currently being allowed to import fresh durian to China. Around the end of this year Previously, only frozen durian could be delivered in the case where the arrival of Chinese longan was noted. Compete for Thai people’s careers. Panusak sees the coming of Chinese capitalists. It plays an important role in increasing the price of durian, but it is important that government agencies must control it within limits. There is no monopoly. Because most of the imported trees have to hire Thai and foreign workers to cut durian. Make the economy in Chanthaburi Province The distribution has increased. “Durian farming It’s not a glamorous business like people think. There are a lot of people who go broke. Because if we do it honestly There won’t be much profit. If you hire outsourced labor Must pay more than regular employees Where will the employees pack things? Currently, the wage rate is 7-8 baht per kilogram, from the previous 3 baht per kilogram.” Keep an eye on Malaysia. Permission to send fresh durian Hit the premium durian market in the case where there is news that Thai durian has lost the championship to Vietnam in durian exports. Panusak said it is still difficult. Because Thailand has a higher export volume of durian. Even though this year there is a drought But there are durians that are newly planted. Ready to produce many more products next year. If there is no effect from the weather Next year there will be more durian production than this year. As for adopting the rights of foreign durians to become Thai durians You have to watch out for durian from Cambodia. Because it is the only neighboring country that does not yet have the right to export durian to China, a scary competitor for exporting durian to China is Malaysia, which is expected to be allowed to export fresh durian to China at the end of this year. Even though many people think that Durian varieties “Musan King” and “Black Thorn” have a taste that cannot compete with Thai Monthong. But I must admit that Malaysia has done a very good job marketing “Musan King” in China. Until making Chinese people believe that “Musan King is the King of Durian” because of promotions. Using hundreds of marketing employees in China And has continued for many years. If we compare the taste, “Monthong” still tastes better than “Musan King” but with the power of marketing. make Chinese people believe Because many times they are compared to each other in China. But no Thai government agency has come out to argue that Mon Thong is better. Therefore, some Chinese people believe that “Musan King” is better. Even though it has a bitter taste, it is advertised as It’s like roasted almonds. Those with a bitter taste are considered good. Therefore, the market price is not far from the past Monthong “Musan King” sent to China in frozen durian form. But if allowed to be sent to China as fresh durian will make Chinese people in the upper market Those with purchasing power for expensive durian will turn to buying “Musan King” rather than “Monthong” and this will affect the price of durian at the upper market level in China. The government sector must fix the game to make Monthong stand number one in the Phanusak Chinese market. Analysis of solutions to solve the problem of exporting durian to China. In a situation where there are competitors all around. Thailand is now trying to control durian standards at the source to cover the entire country. Meanwhile, transportation must be made more convenient. Because next year the production will increase because most durians are sent to China by road. It is inexpensive. The most popular checkpoint to pass through is Nakhon Phanom to enter Laos and Vietnam before entering China. But when there are many transport vehicles, it causes traffic jams around the checkpoint. causing the production to lose its price Therefore, the Thai government sector Negotiations should be made to open more checkpoints. or open the checkpoint 24 hours a day to reduce traffic congestion at the same time There needs to be more influencer marketing that Chinese people like. In order to make a clip promoting Thai durian that has a clear flavor identity. Because now Monthong durian is grown in many countries. But we must make the Chinese people know that Monthong Thai is the best durian. It’s not Monthong that is grown anywhere. The taste of Thai durian is the same compared to its neighbors. As for the taste of durian, Panusak thinks that Monthong Thai durian is the most delicious. It has just the right amount of flavor, is sweet, oily, and dry. But if compared to Monthong grown in Vietnam, It has an area next to the seaside. It has a sweet taste and is not very oily. There is a soggy durian from Malaysia’s “Musan King” variety. The taste is bitter, the flesh is soggy, and the smell is pungent.