Saturday, 5 October 2024

Monks and villagers have a rash, frightened by “toxic” chemicals in Rayong, pumping water around the warehouse.

Villagers near a chemical waste warehouse explosion in Rayong Province are afraid of toxic residue in water sources. After a rash and blisters appear on the skin Even the monks had the same symptoms. Provincial Public Health must send officials to check on symptoms. Meanwhile, the Department of Groundwater Resources brought a groundwater drilling truck to collect samples of groundwater and soil around the warehouse for testing. SCGC explains the case on social media of the company firing employees who ran away from fire after an explosion and fire in a chemical storage tank at Map Ta Phut. Confirmed that everyone is still working normally. No one was fired at all. Department of Groundwater Resources officials brought underground drilling trucks to collect water samples suspected of being contaminated with toxins from a fire at a chemical waste warehouse. It caused the nearby villagers who used the water to have itchy rashes. In the late morning of May 14, officials from the mobile groundwater quality inspection team Department of Groundwater Resources Take a groundwater drilling truck to drill groundwater to collect groundwater and soil samples around the industrial chemical waste warehouse of Win Process Company, Bang But Subdistrict, Ban Khai District, Rayong Province, where the fire occurred on April 22 at passed by To be used to detect chemicals seeping underground. There is surveying of the area to compare the height of the terrain and drilling. To check the direction of water flow After some villagers living near the warehouse used water sources and developed rashes and blisters on their skin, at the same time, Rayong provincial health officials opened health check-up services for people in nearby areas affected by the fire at Nong Phawa Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospital, Bang But Subdistrict, Ban Khai District, has many villagers gradually coming to check. Many people develop rashes on the skin. In particular, Mr. Rungroj Chonklang, 40 years old, had bumps around his legs and knees that were itchy until scratching and causing wounds. After the scab falls, pus forms. It is believed that the cause came from catching fish in a pond near the fire factory. After that, the skin was itchy for several days. Shooting and scratching hurts even more. They refused to recover. As for the monks of Wat Nong Phawa, Bang But Subdistrict, Ban Khai District, who were close to the factory, they were also affected by the fire and had itchy blisters on their skin. Ask the monks to know that there are 15 monks at the temple. After the incident, the abbot suggested that the relevant agencies hurry up and solve the problem of dealing with chemicals. Because now some monks’ skin is irritated. There is a rash and blisters. For unknown reasons The temple area also had a pungent odor resembling chemicals that caused him to wear a protective mask. and have to buy an air purifier to relieve it first Because right now there is no agency to help solve the problem. When villagers in the area have a rash and go to the doctor, they just give them medicine to apply. It is believed that the cause of the chemicals is likely to have entered the blood vessels. As for the case of the explosion and fire at the pyrolysis gas storage tank of Map Ta Phut Tank Terminal Company Limited, a subsidiary of SCG Group. Inside the Map Ta Phut Industrial Port, Mueang Rayong District, late on May 9th. Caused the death of 1 employee and injured 3 people. Most recently, Mr. Sakchai Patiphan Preechawut Chief Executive Officer and President SCG Chemicals Public Company Limited or SCGC has revealed that news was reported via social media that an employee at Map Ta Phut was fired. Because they were fleeing a fire at a tank terminal, SCGC would like to confirm that the news flow has nothing to do with the company. The company has not fired any employees. At present, all company employees continue to perform their duties as usual. The reporter further reported that on May 13, Mr. Sakchai, Chairman of SCG Chemicals or SCGC, along with Mr. Yuthasak Supasorn, Chairman of the Board of the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand. Go to affected communities to apologize and listen to various problems. In this regard, SCG Chemicals believes that communities and factories must live together happily by understanding and continuing to monitor environmental quality. continuously Currently, it is being monitored for possible impacts. Both in terms of the health of the affected communities and the quality of the environment. Read All “Thairath newspaper columns” here