Saturday, 5 October 2024

Technology takes the world by storm

Jorgia Meloni, 47 years old, Prime Minister of Italy since October 2022. Meloni is a good-looking female politician. She is against euthanasia. Against gender diversity Against Muslims and Islam in 2022, Forbes Magazine Melonie is ranked 7th on the list of the most influential women in the world for being beautiful and resisting many things. Therefore she was annoyed and had quite a few enemies. She was digitally edited. by inserting her face into a pornographic video clip which has millions of views online Some of the clips were posted on US adult movie websites. Meloni then sued the two men who edited it. By suing both criminally and civilly. Today’s world is becoming more difficult every day. Deep Fake, or technology used to create synthetic media to disguise a person’s appearance through video, photography, and audio recordings, is increasingly being used. DeepFake is able to seamlessly disguise people by learning their faces and voices. Deepfake creates animated clips and fake speech. distributed throughout the cyber world and caused severe damage. In the past, I liked listening to tapes of Mr. Lee Kuan Yew’s speeches. Former Prime Minister of Singapore I like the way Mr. Lee talks, but nowadays there are a lot of clips of Mr. Lee. Each clip starts with a strange sentence. We do not believe that Mr. Lee would say this. It’s not just Mr. Lee alone. Many politicians, both dead and alive, have had their images and sounds edited. Expressing what deepfake creators want in India is very problematic. Currently, deep effect technology is being used to create discourse. speech which was finished listening to the lecture People might not vote for that politician again. Because expressions and words don’t work. Not having sufficient ability to represent the people (In fact, this politician was not aware of it at all.) The existence of social media allows deep fakes to spread quickly. And victims have no way of knowing where their clips have been sent. The Thai Health Promotion Foundation (Thai Health Promotion Foundation) supports the Gambling Problem Study Center. The Faculty of Economics, Chulalongkorn University, presented a report on a survey of the situation of online fraud in 2023. It was found that fraud had a damage value of 49,845 million baht, much of the damage even though deep fake technology had not yet been used. Just the call center brings this much damage and imagine that. With deep effect technology Animated images and sounds of a sick mother at a clinic asking for money to be transferred to her for medical treatment. with the victim believing How much damage will occur? These AI technologies are becoming more intelligent every day. And it’s like a double-edged sword. both beneficial and harmful at the end of last year Professor Chu Junhao, physicist from the Chinese Academy of Sciences Showing an invisibility cloak When covering the body or any object with a cloth It will make you invisible. Dear readers, imagine the chaos that will come from technological advancement. The future will definitely be chaotic for selling snakehead fish. Someone has committed a crime without us being aware of it. So I don’t know who it is. In the past, people had to study foreign languages. It takes 10-20 years to become proficient in any language, but nowadays we can speak our own language. But the listener can hear in different languages. automatically This makes our world in the future no longer have language barriers. We may see Thai artists singing in French. Even though this artist doesn’t speak French. or German artists singing Thai songs despite not being able to speak Thai in 2024 The world has come this far. Readers, close your eyes and imagine the world in the year 2034, 2044, or even 50 years from now, 2074. It will be a world full of technology that we never expected. Nitikarun Click to read the column. “Open the sky to see the world” more