Sunday, 19 January 2025

Choose the Senate, new rules, spread the law, who wins and who loses.

End of term, waving goodbye “Special group of 250 members of the Senate (Senators)” according to the 2017 Constitution (Constitution), the transitional provisions stipulate a term of office of 5 years, making it possible to begin accepting applications for selection. A new set of senators took over their duties by means of selecting among themselves from those with knowledge, experience, careers, characteristics, or common interests in 20 career fields. It was considered a method of “selecting senators with many new rules” causing many parties Concerned about injustice Therefore, the Thai Journalists Association organized a seminar on the topic “Choose new rules of the Senate. Who wins and who loses?” In this event, Assistant Professor Dr. Parinya Thewanaruemitkul Faculty of Law, Thammasat University, said that according to the timeline The old group of senators’ term expires on May 10, 2024. Applications are now open. New senators on May 13. Scheduled for applications to be selected at the district level on June 9, provincial level, June 16, national level, June 26. Selection will be voted 6 times in groups of 20 occupations, but during this time “Senator The old set will continue to serve until A new set of senators will take their place. But the problem is that on July 2, 2024, “Will the Election Commission be able to announce the names or not?” because of the number of applicants. This time there will be as many as 100,000 people. When there are many applicants, it is believed that there will be many objections and complaints, making it unlikely that the Election Commission will be able to announce the names in time. What the Election Commission can do immediately is record the images and sounds as evidence. and make it public information for viewing “No strangeness in the selection” and the media should be able to observe and be able to broadcast from the district level with the public participating in the investigation. As for limiting the rights of applicants The Election Commission should especially make changes to allow the candidates to know each other. “Introduction of Candidates” as announced in the Royal Gazette on April 27, 2024 “Item 5: Candidates select Senators may introduce themselves according to this regulation only when it is effective.” This leads to the understanding that the “prohibition” is effective from April 26, 2024, especially the ban on introducing oneself on radio, television, and printed media. Or giving an interview to the media, you can only introduce yourself on no more than 2 pages of A4 paper and do not distribute it in selected locations. This will be a problem for selection. Provincial-level senators who passed the cross-lottery in 4 lines from 20 careers, causing applicants may not know the qualifications of each person. Next, item 8, applicants can introduce themselves by electronic means by themselves. “This point, introducing oneself is not limited to electronic means only,” but if anyone interprets it to allow applicants to do so only by electronic means, it is considered “Wrong purpose” because it may make it impossible to introduce yourself by talking to anyone at all, even important things The “Election Commission (EC)” instead said that Section 36 of the Constitution Act (Organic Act) on the acquisition of senators stipulates that candidates may introduce themselves according to the method. and the conditions set by the committee show that The Royal Thai Armed Forces Act gives power What will the Election Commission announce is correct? “Whoever interprets this matter like this is considered not to understand the Constitution.” Because the Constitution is higher than the Emergency Decree, such as Section 26, the enactment of laws limiting individual rights and freedoms must be in accordance with according to conditions The Constitution and laws must not violate the rule of law, not increase burdens or limit rights and freedoms more than is reasonable. The question is, “Is the case of limiting self-introduction on A4 paper too much?” I personally think that it is limiting rights more than reasonable. Therefore The Election Commission cannot issue any type of regulation and invoke Section 36 of the Act because such action must not contradict or conflict with the Constitution. “The Emergency Decree does not give any authority. Election Commission in prohibiting” Applicants may introduce themselves as scheduled. This means that it is a matter of convenience for people who don’t know each other to get to know each other across professional groups. But the Election Commission completely misunderstood when creating difficult conditions. “Can’t introduce myself” becomes the winner, the person who doesn’t need to introduce himself is chosen next. “Inducing people to apply with property is a criminal offense.” Senators who are not motivated by money do not violate any section. As for the punishment for violating applicants, they must be imprisoned for 1 year or fined 20,000 baht or disqualified for 5 years. As such, the Election Commission cannot announce arbitrarily. Because it is not the legislative branch, but has the power to issue legislative regulations only. For this reason, according to the law, it is seen as “Can the Election Commission step back and adjust the existing regulations?” and then add new sections so that candidates can get to know each other. “By creating a database on the website” for applicants to recommend to each other. Because if there is a complaint at the Administrative Court, there may be problems later. Moreover, in this regulation there is no mention of prohibiting Hua as such. The Election Commission should deal with “Those who pay are better off applying” if people are persuaded without paying. or having an incentive to gain benefits is not a criminal offense “It’s a right to do,” but now the regulations and working guidelines The Election Commission is having problems. Therefore, we are sure that on July 2, 2024 there will be a lot of trouble. The Election Commission cannot announce Got a new set of senators. Because each area can submit a legal objection request to the Election Commission within 3 days, making it a total of 6 votes, if there is an offense at the district level, it will also cause people who enter at the provincial level to be wrong and may have to go. Start a new process or not. Observers should now be added with The Election Commission issues regulations, such as groups from media that are certified by the Journalists Association. Including the tape recording must be public. Upon request, it can be opened and viewed. Or you can go straight to the website, no matter what district it is, like “Ratchaphong Jamjirachaikul,” a representative from iLaw, said that this regulation opens up a lot of opportunities for hazing. or in the case of sample introduction steps “Cross selection” if the applicant is an artist by profession And will government officials make the applicants know each other or not? Therefore, the more vague the regulations, the more people will not want to participate in this selection. As the simulation of the selection process found. People with influence can lead people to be selected. Or you have to be a famous person to have a chance to be selected. Or the person who gets selected must be a person with very good luck. Therefore, we opened a website for interested people to check information on the qualifications for applying for Senate, and tried to fix the hoax so that no one would win as well. In addition, in this case “The Election Commission said that they only introduce themselves to the applicants among themselves.” There is a question: How will applicants know who is a candidate in each district? Does this encourage applicants who know each other to lead to hazing? Even though there should be a public introduction. So how will the candidates win over the people who are arguing while Seri Suwannaphanon, Senator, as Chairman of the Political Development Committee? and the participation of the people. The Senate said that the selection of senators according to their career field is a different rule from the selection of MPs or senators. The constitution specifies that “they are representatives of the Thai people” making the acquisition also According to the Constitution and hope that the Election Commission will complete the selection process as scheduled by making it properly organized. “To allow good people, talented people, and new people” to come and perform their duties according to the law. and the rules of the country As for the matter of hazing, there is a possibility. “But not all.” There may be some groups that are in agreement. “Choosing Senators must look at the reality of politics. and the process of obtaining The Senate came in to allow people’s representatives to choose amongst themselves the candidates. If the reputation is not good, then I believe that no one will choose it. Therefore, anyone who enters at any level must be an acquaintance. and is a person who does good Enter the temple. Be a social caretaker This group of people is the one who got the votes,” said Seri, but the officials in the committee kept talking about “getting a new set of senators.” Everyone wants to see honesty. and succeeded quickly by understanding that “The Election Commission will certify first and take action later” because there must be a new set of senators to take on the duties, but he asks that people not campaign to amend the constitution because people who are senators must be free to be their own person. “Don’t do bad things” that I have always adhered to. As for applicants from the “application fee of 2,500 baht”, I didn’t think that there would be hundreds of thousands of people applying. Because people with money don’t want to apply. “Fear of being complained about” results in the district level and career field may not be complete. For applicants who have a lot of themselves, there is a chance that this will happen in the first round. When it comes to cross-selection, people who will spend money applying to select other people may only get to choose in one round. This is “Voices of representatives of the public sector, academics and political parties” who do not want to choose This Senate was created secretly, hidden from the eyes of the people. “Until there is a lack of transparency,” it becomes an easy loophole for corruption. Because the consequences that will follow will further reduce faith. And confidence in political institutions has multiplied…Click to read more about the “Scoop Page 1” column.