Moving forward insists that the Policy Fest has been prepared for a long time and is not related to Pheu Thai’s 10-year work. “Pitha” points out that 1 year after the country’s election there has been no progress, saying that he doubts that next time it will have to get 270 votes, saying that if it is destroyed, Each person will pick up a brick and build a new house together on May 19, 2024. Mr. Pitha Limjaroenrat Members of the House of Representatives (MPs) list form As the chairman of the advisor to the leader of the Move Forward Party and Mr. Wirayut Kanchuchat, the economic team of the Move Forward Party. Advisor to the leader of the Forward Party talks about organizing the Policy Fest event on the occasion of the 1st anniversary of the election. He assessed the work of How are party MPs advancing? Mr. Pitha said that he saw that he could do his best. But there are many things that still need to be developed. and try to have training for both committee members or members of the Bangkok Metropolitan Council (BMA), potential candidates for president of the Provincial Administrative Organization Including the local areas that we have already won. To make politics fun is the reason why the event was organized as a Policy event combined with the Mr. Wirayuth Festival. He added that the first Policy Fest event was organized to collect policies. Most of which is difficult. People may not be able to reach you and it is one-way communication. The Progressive Party therefore wants to organize it in the form of an event that wants people to participate. and take the opportunity to mark the one-year anniversary after the 2023 election, which was an election in which people were alert and came out to exercise their rights in record numbers. It is also a question of whether there has been change as expected in Thai society in the past or not. The Move Forward Party will make it clear what every organ has done, including the National Legislative Assembly, the National Legislative Assembly, and the National Health Council, divided into 6 issues for those interested to learn and give their opinions. Voices respond to the party’s various policies and let the party know what issues people are paying attention to. As for organizing today’s event, which many people view as being organized to compete with the 10-month event that does not wait to continue to reach the full 10 of the Pheu Thai Party or not, Mr. Wirayut said that this event is intended to be a milestone for One year of work has already been completed. There has been preparation for quite a long time. If you look at the size of the event and various details It will be found that it was a job that was prepared long enough in advance. When asked to emphasize that it was not intended to create a comparison that if that day the government had advanced Will we see any changes today? Mr. Pitha answered that we think there are 6 time bombs in Thailand. that if the government intends to work and has its own agenda It will turn those time bombs into good potential. He has already spoken about this matter in the Section 152 debate, saying that when listening to the government, he did not find that the government had any agenda. Today therefore shows what agenda the Progressive Party has. When we are the active opposition, we have an agenda. But if we are in government, we will have our agenda. Because if the government doesn’t have an agenda It will continue to work without any direction. While the question is, Is it an event to use up the budget before the party is dissolved? Mr. Pitha stated that we are still fighting the case fully. And don’t beat yourself up before you get sick. We organized the event because it was already one year since the election. It had nothing to do with whether the party would be dissolved or not. Just as people said that there is a meeting of the House of Representatives on June 18-19, 2024, which will coincide with the day the party was dissolved. You still have to prepare yourself for debate. Referendum Act or the national budget as fully as possible This matter does not distract from work for the reason that it coincides with the anniversary of the UDD area compaction on 19 May 2010. Is there any hidden meaning? Mr. Pitha said that in May There are many historical days in Thai politics. If it is held on May 22, it will coincide with the coup day. As for the event held on May 19, Mr. Chaithawat Tulathon, leader of the Kao Klai Party. Not yet in the morning Because he went to make merit for the deceased at Wat Pathumwanaram Ratchaworawihan. which restores justice to those who lost their red shirt brothers and sisters It is also one of the policies of the Move Forward Party. Mr. Pitha also mentioned the clip of the 1 year anniversary of the general election but not being in government. which was made to convey that 1 year after the election How much has the country changed? And the story in the clip that has been published shows that the Forward Party has not yet stopped working. He also believes that the power of going forward will be passed on and gain the confidence and faith of the people in the election of the Provincial Administrative Organization president and the local elections that will be held soon. After that, Mr. Pitha gave a speech to open the event, “Why 6 Big Bang” that we want to be a proactive opposition party. It is a day to prove that the party has advanced unlike other parties. And we have 6 political projects and agendas, but if we leave all 6 of them open, it will be a political time bomb. Let’s gather together today in May. This is a month with mixed feelings. In some years and periods in Thailand’s history, May has been a bitter month. Some years it is the month of May. Some are the might of fear. Whether it’s the dark May or the dark May or the shameful May. But there was nothing but fear. May of hope was May 14th of last year, the day when 14 million hearts of Thailand came together as one heart. who want to see good politics Good stomach has a future A historic election in which people throughout Thailand and around the world came out to vote with hope. Hold elections in which people participate the most. Most pure and fair And the Progressive Party won with purity. Not even a single baht of votes was bought, while in the end the formation of Kaoklai’s government was not successful. The month of May is filled with history that is both sweet and bitter. Until today (19 May 2024) which is the month of fear and sadness. Because on May 14th, Ms. Netiporn Sanae Sangkhom or Bung Taluwang, a social activist, died of starvation. Demand your own right to apply for bail. Died because of different political opinions. I would like to ask the people whether Thai politics has improved since May 2023-2024. The voice in the hall shouted that it was not getting better. Mr. Pitha also said that during one year the world looked at Thai politics and the efficiency of the government of the previous year. With the efficiency of this year’s government in Thailand falling 4 places, corruption was at 108th place, while the democracy index fell from 55th to 63rd because there was an election and it was blocked by senators (Senators). Mr. Pitha asked. Continued: During the period of 1 year, will people’s livelihoods improve or not? The people said the same thing as before, that it was not getting better. Mr. Pitha went on to say that He will not take information or what has happened to the workers or vendors who fight day and night. Because no matter what year it is, it’s already difficult. Because the government has a duty to help him. but will communicate with middle class people The stock market has lost 2 trillion baht since this government came into existence. Every confidence index has dropped significantly. Even his level of being a millionaire has not improved, and in 1 year Thailand’s future will still not improve. Including providing education to children and youth. which still seems to be the same as before The chairman of the Advisory Board to the leader of the Kaew Klai Party said he also said that if the opposition works hard, it might even do a better job than the government. 6 Big Bangs of Thailand that if we leave them behind will be a time bomb. Then the next generation will have to come and fix it. But if the government, political party or leader is strong and has vision enough to be able to invest in the people to be strong. and have confidence in each other If told what the government’s agenda is, I can’t imagine, but I don’t want to be the person who opposes everything. If your own party doesn’t have an agenda If that were the case, he would not be able to accept it either. So what is your political agenda to tax our citizens? Take trust and be confident that next time you will get even more. “Next time it will be 270 votes, or 300 votes according to logic, multiply by 2. But I’m not joking. He did not speak to enter the position of Prime Minister. There is an agenda that needs to be driven forward.” If the people agree or not, they can speak. and can participate It consists of 6 points, divided into immediate agendas: economic growth with quality, learning to keep up with the world. and improve the quality of life As for the temporary agenda namely, unlocking the Thai countryside, reforming the state in a big way. and full democracy Instead of thinking of policy using the ministry as the base. without integration We have to think with an agenda in mind. Allowing many ministries to come together on the same agenda. No need for different people to do different things. When it was Thailand 4.0, every ministry asked for budget to build roads. Request a seminar under Thailand 4.0. Each ministry has different ideas and comes together. Now everything is under softpower. Everything is soft power. It’s a waste of your taxes. Even though the problems of the people and the country must be taken as the center, however, Mr. Pitha also stated that Let’s travel together. Even if he does something to our party He cannot destroy our spirit. Even if he tries to destroy our political party or not, that’s up to you. We will each pick up a brick and build our new home together. I’m definitely with you. For the activities of the Progressive Party today, six booths were set up to convey the meaning of the people’s 6 hopes. There is also the distribution of the book 6 Big Bang, defuseing 6 bombs and making Thailand go further than before. The people who attended today’s activities lined up to receive a letter for the leaders of the Progressive Party to sign.